
The word “wallop” has 2 syllables: wal-lop.

It's pronounced as /ˈwɒl.əp/.

What is synonym and antonym for wallop?

In the thesaurus, “wallop” has 64 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for wallop along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for wallop

  • annihilate
  • assault
  • attack
  • bang
  • bat
  • batter
  • beat
  • blow
  • blow away
  • bomb
  • bury
  • clap
  • clobber
  • collision
  • crash
  • cream
  • do
  • drub
  • dust
  • flatten
  • hide
  • hit
  • impact
  • jolt
  • kick
  • knock
  • lash
  • lick
  • master
  • overcome
  • overwhelm
  • pelt
  • poke
  • pound
  • pummel
  • punch
  • rout
  • shock
  • skin
  • slam
  • slap
  • smack
  • smash
  • smoke
  • smother
  • snow under
  • spank
  • strike
  • stroke
  • swipe
  • take
  • thrash
  • thrill
  • throw
  • thud
  • thump
  • trim
  • trounce
  • upset
  • whack
  • whap
  • whip
  • whomp
  • whup

Meanings of wallop

  • noun
    1. A heavy blow, punch.
    2. A person's ability to throw such punches.
    3. An emotional impact, psychological force.
    4. A thrill, emotionally excited reaction.
    5. Anything produced by a process that involves boiling; beer, tea, whitewash.
    6. A thick piece of fat.
    7. A quick rolling movement; a gallop.
  • verb
    1. To rush hastily.
    2. To flounder, wallow.
    3. To boil with a continued bubbling or heaving and rolling, with noise.
    4. To strike heavily, thrash soundly.
    5. To trounce, beat by a wide margin.
    6. To wrap up temporarily.
    7. To move in a rolling, cumbersome manner; to waddle.
    8. To be slatternly.
    9. To send a message to all operators on an Internet Relay Chat server.

Example Sentences

  • The boxer delivered a powerful wallop to his opponent's jaw.
  • That unexpected news really packed a wallop.
  • With one swift move, she gave the punching bag a solid wallop.
  • The movie's dramatic ending had quite a wallop.
  • The storm hit the coast with a tremendous wallop, causing significant damage.

On this page you'll find 64 synonyms or another words to wallop, such as: annihilate, assault, attack, bang, bat, batter, beat.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • adventure
  • amusement
  • bliss
  • blows
  • boots
  • buzz
  • collisions
  • comfort
  • commotion
  • complains
  • complaints
  • confusion
  • contentment
  • crashes
  • delights
  • drama
  • ecstasy
  • elation
  • emotion
  • enjoyment
  • enthusiasm
  • euphoria
  • exceptions
  • excitement
  • exhilaration
  • feasts
  • feeling
  • frenzy
  • fulfillment
  • fun
  • furor
  • fuss
  • gasses
  • glee
  • gratification
  • hilarity
  • hobby
  • hysteria
  • impacts
  • inspiration
  • jolts
  • joy
  • joys
  • jubilation
  • laughter
  • levity
  • luxury
  • moans
  • motivation
  • objections
  • objects
  • passion
  • pleasure
  • protests
  • rage
  • rapture
  • rejoicing
  • rushes
  • satisfaction
  • screams
  • shocks
  • slams
  • slaps
  • stinks
  • thrill
  • thrills
  • thumps
  • treats
  • trepidation
  • tumult
  • turmoil
  • wallop
  • warmth
  • whines


  • amputate
  • bash
  • beat
  • bruise
  • buffet
  • butcher
  • challenged
  • clobber
  • cripple
  • crippled
  • crush
  • damage
  • debilitate
  • deface
  • demolish
  • destroy
  • disable
  • disabled
  • disfigure
  • dismember
  • distort
  • freeze
  • hack
  • halt
  • harm
  • hinder
  • hobble
  • hobbled
  • hurt
  • immobilize
  • impair
  • incapacitate
  • incapacitated
  • injure
  • injured
  • knock out
  • lame
  • lash
  • maim
  • maimed
  • mangle
  • mar
  • maul
  • mutilate
  • mutilated
  • paralyze
  • pelt
  • pummel
  • punish
  • ravage
  • ruin
  • scarred
  • shatter
  • smash
  • stun
  • wallop
  • weaken
  • wound
  • wounded
  • wreck


  • amputate
  • bash
  • beat
  • bruise
  • bruises
  • buffet
  • butcher
  • clobber
  • cripple
  • cripples
  • crush
  • damage
  • damages
  • debilitate
  • deface
  • demolish
  • destroy
  • disable
  • disfigure
  • dismember
  • distort
  • freeze
  • hack
  • halt
  • harm
  • hinder
  • hobble
  • hurt
  • immobilize
  • impair
  • incapacitate
  • incapacitates
  • injure
  • injures
  • knock out
  • lash
  • maim
  • maims
  • mangle
  • mar
  • maul
  • mutilate
  • paralyze
  • pelt
  • pummel
  • punish
  • ravage
  • ruin
  • scars
  • shatter
  • smash
  • stun
  • wallop
  • weaken
  • wound
  • wounds
  • wreck


  • amputate
  • bash
  • beat
  • bruise
  • buffet
  • butcher
  • clobber
  • cripple
  • crippling
  • crush
  • damage
  • damaging
  • debilitate
  • deface
  • demolish
  • destroy
  • disable
  • disabling
  • disfigure
  • dismember
  • distort
  • freeze
  • hack
  • halt
  • harm
  • hinder
  • hobble
  • hurt
  • immobilize
  • impair
  • incapacitate
  • incapacitating
  • injure
  • injuring
  • knock out
  • lash
  • maim
  • maiming
  • mangle
  • mar
  • maul
  • mutilate
  • paralyze
  • pelt
  • pummel
  • punish
  • ravage
  • ruin
  • shatter
  • smash
  • stun
  • wallop
  • weaken
  • wound
  • wounding
  • wreck

walked over

  • bash
  • beat
  • blank
  • clobber
  • crush
  • despised
  • disdained
  • disrespected
  • drub
  • gallop
  • hated
  • overcome
  • overwhelm
  • plod
  • put away
  • ramble
  • roam
  • rout
  • slog
  • swamp
  • thrash
  • traipse
  • trample
  • trudge
  • wallop
  • whip

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