
The word “wanes” has 1 syllable: wanes.

It's pronounced as /weɪnz/.

What is synonym and antonym for wanes?

In the thesaurus, “wanes” has 26 synonyms and 27 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for wanes along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for wanes

  • abate
  • atrophy
  • declines
  • decrease
  • decreases
  • die down
  • die out
  • dim
  • diminishes
  • dwindle
  • ebb
  • ebbs
  • fade
  • falls
  • peter out
  • remissions
  • retreats
  • shrink
  • slacken
  • slumps
  • subside
  • subsides
  • taper off
  • vanishes
  • weaken
  • wither

Antonyms for wanes

  • accelerations
  • accumulates
  • appears
  • brighten
  • builds
  • develop
  • emerges
  • enhance
  • enlarge
  • enlarges
  • escalates
  • expand
  • expands
  • extend
  • grow
  • grows
  • increase
  • increases
  • intensifies
  • mounts
  • mushrooms
  • rise
  • rises
  • soars
  • strengthen
  • swells
  • waxes

Meanings of wanes

  • noun
    1. A gradual diminution in power, value, intensity etc.
    2. The lunar phase during which the sun seems to illuminate less of the moon as its sunlit area becomes progressively smaller as visible from Earth.
    3. The end of a period.
    4. A rounded corner caused by lack of wood, often showing bark.
    5. A child.
    6. A house or dwelling.
  • verb
    1. To progressively lose its splendor, value, ardor, power, intensity etc.; to decline.
    2. Said of light that dims or diminishes in strength.
    3. Said of the Moon as it passes through the phases of its monthly cycle where its surface is less and less visible.
    4. Said of a time period that comes to an end.
    5. To decrease physically in size, amount, numbers or surface.
    6. To cause to decrease.

Example Sentences

  • As winter approaches, the daylight wanes earlier each day.
  • His interest in politics wanes as he grows older.
  • The influence of that ideology wanes with each passing generation.
  • She noticed her energy wanes towards the end of the workday.
  • The moon's brightness wanes after reaching full phase.

On this page you'll find 53 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to wanes, such as: abate, accelerations, accumulates, appears, atrophy, brighten, builds.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Word List