
The word “yeas” has 1 syllable: yeas.

It's pronounced as /jiz/.

What is synonym and antonym for yeas?

In the thesaurus, “yeas” has 4 synonyms and 4 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for yeas along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for yeas

Antonyms for yeas

  • nays
  • negatives
  • noes
  • nos

Meanings of yeas

  • noun
    1. An affirmative vote, usually but not always spoken.

Example Sentences

  • During the roll call, members of the assembly cast their votes with either "yeas" or "nays."
  • The speaker announced the final tally, with the majority of votes being "yeas."
  • In a unanimous decision, the committee members all responded with a resounding "yeas."
  • The parliamentary procedure required a clear count of the "yeas" and "nays" before moving forward.
  • As the legislator expressed their support for the proposed law, they firmly declared a confident "yeas."

On this page you'll find 8 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to yeas, such as: affirmatives, nays, negatives, noes, nos, voice vote, yes.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • accede
  • acceptances
  • acknowledge
  • acknowledgment
  • acquiesce
  • acquiescence
  • admission
  • admit
  • affirmatives
  • allow
  • approval
  • approvals
  • assent
  • authorization
  • beseech
  • blessing
  • bow
  • cave in
  • compliance
  • comply
  • concede
  • concur
  • concurrence
  • conform
  • consent
  • cooperation
  • fawn
  • give in
  • go ahead
  • go along
  • grant
  • greeting
  • ok
  • okay
  • permission
  • permit
  • pros
  • recognition
  • recognize
  • salute
  • sanction
  • set
  • settle
  • sign
  • subscribe
  • understanding
  • underwrite
  • voice vote
  • yeas
  • yes


  • accede
  • acceptances
  • acknowledge
  • acquiesce
  • admit
  • affirmatives
  • allow
  • approvals
  • beseech
  • cave in
  • comply
  • concede
  • concur
  • conform
  • fawn
  • give in
  • go along
  • grant
  • pros
  • recognize
  • set
  • settle
  • sign
  • subscribe
  • underwrite
  • yeas

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