
The word “yield” has 1 syllable: yield.

It's pronounced as /jiːld/.

What is synonym and antonym for yield?

In the thesaurus, “yield” has 53 synonyms and 53 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for yield along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for yield

  • abandon
  • accept
  • agree
  • allow
  • bounty
  • bow
  • bring
  • bring in
  • budge
  • buy
  • capitulate
  • catch
  • cause
  • collapse
  • concede
  • create
  • crop
  • deliver
  • do
  • earn
  • earnings
  • fail
  • generate
  • give
  • give up
  • give way
  • go
  • harvest
  • haul
  • income
  • indulge
  • leave
  • offer
  • output
  • pay
  • proceeds
  • produce
  • product
  • production
  • profit
  • prompt
  • provide
  • relinquish
  • render
  • return
  • revenue
  • submit
  • succumb
  • supply
  • surrender
  • tumble
  • turnout
  • work

Antonyms for yield

  • bills
  • breast
  • charge
  • combat
  • confront
  • contend
  • contradict
  • control
  • cost
  • counter
  • crush
  • dampen
  • debt
  • decline
  • deduction
  • defend
  • defy
  • deny
  • disagree
  • dispute
  • dissent
  • expenditures
  • expenses
  • face
  • fight
  • hold
  • impede
  • keep
  • limit
  • lose
  • loss
  • meet
  • object
  • oppose
  • outlay
  • payment
  • refuse
  • reject
  • repel
  • repudiate
  • resist
  • restrict
  • retain
  • rise
  • smother
  • stifle
  • subdue
  • suppress
  • swell
  • take
  • win
  • withhold
  • withstand

Meanings of yield

  • verb
    1. To pay, give in payment; repay, recompense; reward; requite.
    2. To furnish; to afford; to render; to give forth.
    3. To give way; to allow another to pass first.
    4. To give as required; to surrender, relinquish or capitulate.
    5. To give, or give forth, (anything).
    6. To give way; to succumb to a force.
    7. To produce as return, as from an investment.
    8. To produce as a result.
    9. To produce a particular sound as the result of a sound law.
    10. (of a material specimen) To pass the material's yield point and undergo plastic deformation.
    11. To admit to be true; to concede; to allow.
  • noun
    1. Payment; tribute.
    2. A product; the quantity of something produced.
    3. The current return as a percentage of the price of a stock or bond.
    4. Profit earned from an investment; return on investment.

Example Sentences

  • The farmer's fields yield a bountiful harvest of crops each year.
  • Patience and perseverance often yield positive results in the long run.
  • When driving, it's essential to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks.
  • The negotiations between the two countries failed to yield any significant agreements.
  • A willingness to compromise can yield mutually beneficial outcomes in business negotiations.

On this page you'll find 106 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to yield, such as: abandon, accept, agree, allow, bills, bounty, bow.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

falling in with

  • abiding by
  • accommodate
  • agreeing
  • associating
  • attune
  • bear
  • being friends with
  • bonding
  • bump into
  • coinciding
  • collaborating
  • come across
  • come upon
  • comply
  • concur
  • conform
  • conforming
  • confront
  • connecting
  • contact
  • cooperate
  • coordinate
  • corresponding
  • detect
  • discover
  • encounter
  • enlist
  • enter
  • experience
  • face
  • find
  • fit
  • follow
  • following
  • greet
  • harmonize
  • hooking up
  • identify
  • integrate
  • joining
  • keeping to
  • locate
  • meet
  • messing around
  • mixing
  • notice
  • obeying
  • reconcile
  • recover
  • relating
  • run into
  • running
  • see
  • side with
  • spot
  • strike
  • suffer
  • tailor
  • taking up with
  • traveling
  • travelling
  • turn up
  • uncover
  • unearth
  • yield

falls in with

  • accommodate
  • agrees
  • associates
  • attune
  • bear
  • bonds
  • bump into
  • coincides
  • collaborates
  • come across
  • come upon
  • comply
  • concur
  • conform
  • conforms
  • confront
  • connects
  • consists
  • contact
  • cooperate
  • coordinate
  • corresponds
  • detect
  • discover
  • encounter
  • enlist
  • enter
  • experience
  • face
  • find
  • fit
  • fits
  • follow
  • follows
  • greet
  • harmonize
  • identify
  • integrate
  • joins
  • locate
  • meet
  • mixes
  • notice
  • obeys
  • reconcile
  • recover
  • run into
  • runs
  • see
  • side with
  • spot
  • strike
  • suffer
  • tailor
  • takes up with
  • travels
  • turn up
  • uncover
  • unearth
  • yield


  • accelerate
  • accumulate
  • achieve
  • achievement
  • acquisition
  • advance
  • advantage
  • attain
  • benefit
  • boost
  • bring
  • build up
  • collect
  • convince
  • cut
  • dividend
  • earn
  • earnings
  • expand
  • garner
  • gather
  • get
  • grow
  • grow (in)
  • growth
  • have
  • hike
  • improve
  • improvement
  • income
  • increase
  • induce
  • make
  • obtain
  • payoff
  • persuade
  • pick up
  • proceeds
  • produce
  • profit
  • progress
  • promote
  • reach
  • realize
  • reap
  • recover
  • return
  • revenue
  • rise
  • satisfy
  • score
  • secure
  • share
  • swell
  • win
  • winnings
  • yield


  • accelerates
  • accumulates
  • achieves
  • attains
  • brings
  • cash
  • compensation
  • convinces
  • earnings
  • earns
  • garners
  • gathers
  • gets
  • improves
  • increases
  • induces
  • interest
  • lands
  • livelihood
  • makes
  • moves
  • obtains
  • pay
  • persuades
  • proceeds
  • profit
  • reaps
  • recovers
  • revenue
  • rises
  • royalty
  • salary
  • satisfies
  • scores
  • swells
  • wage
  • wins
  • yield


  • accumulating
  • amassing
  • assembling
  • assortment
  • collecting
  • collection
  • corralling
  • earning
  • gaining
  • gathering
  • getting
  • intake
  • making
  • obtaining
  • output
  • reaping
  • result
  • winning
  • yield

Word List