
The word “yonder” has 2 syllables: yon-der

It's pronounced as /ˈjɒndər/

What is synonym and antonym for yonder?

In the thesaurus, “yonder” has 2 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for yonder along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for yonder

Meanings of yonder

  • adverb
    1. To that place.
    2. To that point, end, or result.
    3. At or in a distant but indicated place.
  • noun
    1. The vast distance, particularly the sky or trackless forest.
  • adjective
    1. (with "the") The farther, the more distant of two choices.

Example Sentences

  • Yonder lies the village where my grandparents used to live, nestled among the hills.
  • Look, a storm is brewing in yonder clouds, we should seek shelter soon.
  • I spotted a deer grazing peacefully in the field yonder as the sun began to set.
  • We walked through the forest until we reached a clearing, and yonder stood the majestic castle.
  • Sailors often speak of treasures hidden in the depths of the sea or on a distant island yonder.

On this page you'll find 2 synonyms or another words to yonder, such as: farther, further.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

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