
The word “zinging” has 2 syllables: zing-ing.

It's pronounced as /ˈzɪŋɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for zinging?

In the thesaurus, “zinging” has 91 synonyms and 41 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for zinging along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for zinging

  • abuse
  • aggrieve
  • anger
  • annoy
  • antagonize
  • assail
  • ban
  • bang up
  • batter
  • blacken
  • block
  • bother
  • chagrin
  • constrain
  • contravene
  • crush
  • damage
  • dancing
  • darting
  • dashing
  • disappoint
  • disgust
  • dissatisfy
  • disturb
  • enjoin
  • enrage
  • exasperate
  • flickering
  • flicking
  • flirting
  • flitting
  • fluttering
  • flying
  • forbid
  • freeze
  • frustrate
  • gall
  • halt
  • hinder
  • horrify
  • hurt
  • impair
  • impede
  • incense
  • inconvenience
  • inhibit
  • injure
  • insult
  • irk
  • irritate
  • maim
  • mar
  • offend
  • outlaw
  • outrage
  • perplex
  • persecute
  • preclude
  • prejudice
  • prevent
  • proscribe
  • provoke
  • punish
  • rebuff
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • revile
  • rile
  • ruin
  • rule out
  • sabotage
  • sadden
  • sailing
  • sap
  • shatter
  • shock
  • sicken
  • speeding
  • sprinting
  • sting
  • tar
  • tarnish
  • trample
  • traumatize
  • undermine
  • upset
  • vex
  • wound
  • wreck
  • zipping
  • zooming

Antonyms for zinging

  • advance
  • aid
  • allow
  • approve
  • assist
  • assuage
  • benefit
  • build
  • calm
  • comfort
  • compliment
  • continue
  • create
  • cure
  • delight
  • encourage
  • facilitate
  • fix
  • floating
  • forward
  • free
  • hanging
  • heal
  • help
  • include
  • let go
  • make happy
  • mend
  • order
  • permit
  • placate
  • please
  • praise
  • push
  • quiet
  • release
  • repair
  • respect
  • soothe
  • strengthen
  • support

Meanings of zinging

  • verb
    1. To move very quickly, especially while making a high-pitched hum.

Example Sentences

  • In the kitchen, the chef could be heard zinging pots and pans as he prepared a gourmet meal.
  • As the ball whizzed through the air, the tennis player executed a powerful serve, zinging past his opponent.
  • The lively jazz band had the audience tapping their feet to the rhythm of the saxophone, each note zinging with energy.
  • The comedian had the crowd in stitches, zinging one-liners that had everyone laughing uncontrollably.
  • The electric guitar solo in the rock concert had a mesmerizing quality, with each note zinging through the air, captivating the audience.

On this page you'll find 132 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to zinging, such as: abuse, advance, aggrieve, aid, allow, anger, annoy.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Word List