
The word “zip” has 1 syllable: zip.

It's pronounced as /zɪp/.

What is synonym and antonym for zip?

In the thesaurus, “zip” has 43 synonyms and 18 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for zip along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for zip

  • beans
  • blow
  • bounce
  • burr
  • buzz
  • chase
  • dance
  • dart
  • dash
  • drive
  • energy
  • flit
  • flutter
  • fly
  • gas
  • hum
  • hurry
  • juice
  • jump
  • life
  • nothing
  • oomph
  • pep
  • punch
  • race
  • rip
  • run
  • rush
  • scoot
  • scurry
  • sparkle
  • speed
  • travel
  • trot
  • verve
  • vigor
  • waltz
  • whirr
  • whisper
  • whizz
  • zero
  • zing
  • zoom

Antonyms for zip

  • crawl
  • creep
  • drag
  • float
  • hang
  • inactivity
  • indolence
  • lag
  • laziness
  • lethargy
  • linger
  • listlessness
  • poke
  • slow
  • sluggishness
  • softness
  • tenderness
  • weakness

Meanings of zip

  • noun
    1. A twist or fold.
    2. Any of the folds on the surface of the brain.
    3. The shape of something rotating; a vortex.
    4. State or condition of being convoluted.
    5. A form of moving average.
    6. A function which maps a tuple of sequences into a sequence of tuples.
    7. One 360° turn in a spring or similar helix. A keyring contains 2 convolutions.
    8. The high-pitched sound of a small object moving rapidly through air.
    9. Energy; vigor; vim.
    10. A zip fastener.
    11. Zero; nothing.
    12. A trip on a zipline.
    13. A zip file.
    14. An ounce of marijuana.
    15. A ZIP code; a US postal code.
    16. (by extension) Any postal code, for any country.
  • verb
    1. To close with a zip fastener.
    2. To close as if with a zip fastener.
    3. To compress (one or more computer files) into a single and often smaller file, especially one in the ZIP format.
    4. To subject to the convolution mapping function.
    5. (followed by a preposition) To move rapidly (in a specified direction or to a specified place) with a high-pitched sound.
    6. (followed by a preposition) To move in haste (in a specified direction or to a specified place).
    7. To make (something) move quickly.
    8. To travel on a zipline.
  • pronoun
    1. Zero; nothing.
  • interjection
    1. Imitative of high-pitched sound of a small object moving rapidly through air.

Example Sentences

  • The child eagerly pulled on the jacket and exclaimed, "Look, Mom, I can zip it all by myself!"
  • As the racing car sped by, the sound of the engines echoed with a distinctive zip.
  • The adventurer secured their belongings in the backpack using the sturdy zip.
  • In a matter of seconds, the magician made the coin zip through the air, leaving the audience in awe.
  • The online order arrived promptly, and with a swift zip, the customer opened the package to reveal their new purchase.

On this page you'll find 61 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to zip, such as: beans, blow, bounce, burr, buzz, chase, crawl.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • amble
  • blare
  • blink
  • bounce
  • bound
  • bump
  • carom
  • dance
  • dart
  • darted
  • drift
  • flare
  • flash
  • flicked
  • flicker
  • fling
  • flit
  • flitted
  • flitter
  • float
  • flop
  • flow
  • flutter
  • fluttered
  • fly
  • fool around
  • gambol
  • glance
  • gleam
  • glimmer
  • glint
  • glisten
  • glitter
  • glow
  • go down
  • graze
  • hop
  • hover
  • hurtle
  • jolt
  • leap
  • linger
  • lope
  • lug
  • meander
  • poise
  • prance
  • quiver
  • ricochet
  • ride
  • romp
  • sail
  • sashay
  • scamper
  • scintillate
  • scoot
  • shimmer
  • shine
  • shiver
  • shuffled
  • skim
  • skip
  • skitter
  • slide
  • snatch
  • sparkle
  • stepped
  • stray
  • stride
  • stroll
  • strut
  • strutted
  • swagger
  • throb
  • thrust
  • tiptoe
  • tread
  • tremble
  • tug
  • twinkle
  • twitch
  • vibrate
  • waft
  • walk
  • waltzed
  • wander
  • wash
  • waver
  • whiz
  • wiggle
  • wink
  • wobble
  • wrench
  • wriggle
  • wring
  • yank
  • zip


  • barb
  • bound
  • dance
  • dash
  • flash
  • flick
  • fling
  • flit
  • float
  • flutter
  • fly
  • gallop
  • hurry
  • hurtle
  • insult
  • offence
  • sarcasm
  • scamper
  • scoot
  • scurry
  • skim
  • sprint
  • zip


  • barbs
  • bound
  • dances
  • dash
  • flash
  • flicks
  • flies
  • fling
  • flit
  • flits
  • float
  • flutters
  • gallop
  • hurry
  • hurtle
  • insults
  • offences
  • sarcasms
  • scamper
  • scoot
  • scurry
  • skim
  • sprint
  • zips


  • beat
  • bit
  • blow
  • bolt
  • bound
  • burden
  • buzz
  • chase
  • concern
  • dampen
  • dart
  • depress
  • disappoint
  • distress
  • drive
  • energy
  • fling
  • fly
  • gallop
  • gas
  • get down
  • hint
  • hurl
  • hurry
  • hurtle
  • jog
  • juice
  • jump
  • life
  • lunge
  • pep
  • pinch
  • plunge
  • punch
  • race
  • ruin
  • run
  • rush
  • scamper
  • scoot
  • scurry
  • scuttle
  • shatter
  • shoot
  • skip
  • slam
  • smash
  • speed
  • splash
  • splatter
  • spoil
  • sprinkling
  • sprint
  • tear
  • throw
  • thwart
  • torture
  • toss
  • travel
  • trot
  • trouble
  • vigor
  • vinegar
  • weigh down
  • worry
  • zip


  • blasted
  • blew
  • burdened
  • buzzed
  • chased
  • concerned
  • crestfallen
  • darted
  • dejected
  • depressed
  • despondent
  • discouraged
  • disheartened
  • dismayed
  • dispirited
  • drove
  • flew
  • flung
  • gloomy
  • glum
  • hurled
  • hurried
  • jogged
  • jumped
  • morose
  • oppressed
  • pessimistic
  • raced
  • ran
  • run
  • rushed
  • saddened
  • scooted
  • scurried
  • scuttled
  • slung
  • sped
  • speeded
  • splashed
  • splattered
  • sprinted
  • stepped
  • threw
  • tortured
  • tossed
  • traveled
  • travelled
  • trotted
  • troubled
  • weighed down
  • worried
  • zipped

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