
The word “zoomed” has 1 syllable: zoomed.

It's pronounced as /zumd/.

What is synonym and antonym for zoomed?

In the thesaurus, “zoomed” has 36 synonyms and 15 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for zoomed along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for zoomed

  • buzz
  • buzzed
  • chased
  • dart
  • darted
  • dash
  • dive
  • drove
  • flash
  • flew
  • hummed
  • hurried
  • hurtle
  • jumped
  • raced
  • ran
  • rocket
  • rocketed
  • run
  • rushed
  • scooted
  • scurried
  • shoot up
  • skyrocket
  • soared
  • sped
  • speeded
  • stepped
  • surge
  • traveled
  • travelled
  • trotted
  • whirl
  • whiz
  • zip
  • zipped

Antonyms for zoomed

  • collapsed
  • crawled
  • crept
  • decelerate
  • dragged
  • fell
  • lagged
  • lingered
  • plummeted
  • plunged
  • poked
  • slow
  • slumped
  • strolled
  • tumbled

Meanings of zoomed

  • verb
    1. To communicate with someone using the Zoom videoconferencing software.
    2. To move fast with a humming noise.
    3. To fly an airplane straight up.
    4. To move rapidly.
    5. To go up sharply.
    6. To change the focal length of a zoom lens.
    7. (used with in or out) to manipulate a display so as to magnify or shrink it.

Example Sentences

  • The sports car zoomed past us on the highway, leaving a trail of dust.
  • As the camera zoomed in, we could see the intricate details of the painting.
  • The kids giggled with excitement as the toy rocket zoomed through the air.
  • During the online presentation, the speaker zoomed through the slides to save time.
  • The bicyclist zoomed downhill, enjoying the thrill of the fast descent.

On this page you'll find 51 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to zoomed, such as: buzz, buzzed, chased, collapsed, crawled, crept, dart.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • abuse
  • aggrieve
  • anger
  • annoy
  • antagonize
  • assail
  • ban
  • bang up
  • batter
  • blacken
  • block
  • bother
  • chagrin
  • constrain
  • contravene
  • crush
  • damage
  • danced
  • darted
  • dashed
  • disappoint
  • disgust
  • dissatisfy
  • disturb
  • enjoin
  • enrage
  • exasperate
  • flew
  • flicked
  • flickered
  • flirted
  • flitted
  • fluttered
  • forbid
  • freeze
  • frustrate
  • gall
  • halt
  • hinder
  • horrify
  • hurt
  • impair
  • impede
  • incense
  • inconvenience
  • inhibit
  • injure
  • insult
  • irk
  • irritate
  • maim
  • mar
  • offend
  • outlaw
  • outrage
  • perplex
  • persecute
  • preclude
  • prejudice
  • prevent
  • proscribe
  • provoke
  • punish
  • rebuff
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • revile
  • rile
  • ruin
  • rule out
  • sabotage
  • sadden
  • sailed
  • sap
  • shatter
  • shock
  • shot
  • sicken
  • sped
  • speeded
  • sprinted
  • sting
  • tar
  • tarnish
  • trample
  • traumatize
  • undermine
  • upset
  • vex
  • wound
  • wreck
  • zoomed


  • ambiguous
  • bashful
  • blew
  • buzzed
  • careful
  • cautious
  • chased
  • circumspect
  • covert
  • darted
  • dashed
  • discreet
  • drove
  • enigmatic
  • equivocal
  • evasive
  • flew
  • flicked
  • flitted
  • fluttered
  • hummed
  • hurried
  • hushed
  • judicious
  • jumped
  • mum
  • mute
  • neutral
  • raced
  • ran
  • restrained
  • reticent
  • ripped
  • run
  • rushed
  • scooted
  • scurried
  • sped
  • speeded
  • stepped
  • taciturn
  • tactful
  • traveled
  • travelled
  • trotted
  • vague
  • wary
  • whispered
  • zoomed

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